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Made possible by the Amgen Foundation and Harvard University, LabXchange is a game-changing online platform that allows anyone, anywhere to experience science. Initially envisioned by the late Dr. Robert A. Lue, a professor in the Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology, this free online science education platform provides students around the world with access to personalized instruction, next-generation virtual lab experiences, and networking opportunities across the global scientific community.


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Celebrating five years of impact and driving action for Sustainable Development Goal 4: ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education and promoting lifelong learning opportunities
Transforming Science Education Together: LabXchange and PhET
5 Things Everyone Who Cares About Kids Should Know About Their Brains
Inside LabXchange’s Kenyan Teacher Ambassador Cohort
Amgen Foundation (2024)
"Edumedia Sciences və ya rəqəmsal tədris platforması" layihəsinin yekun tədbiri keçirilib
Online LabXchange Teacher Training was Held Within the Scope of Amgen Biotech Experience (ABE) Program
LabXchange: A Digital Tool for Success in AP Biology
Just In! 4 Trends Shaping #STEM Education
FACT SHEET: Biden Harris Administration Announces Bold Multi-Sector Actions to Eliminate Systemic Barriers in STEMM
Why Digital STEM Initiatives Are a Critical Investment Right Now
Amgen Foundation Will Invest $30M on Open edX-Based LabXchange Platform
Amgen Foundation commits $30M to LabXchange
JPMorgan Chase Commits $30 Million to Historically Black Colleges and Universities
Opportunities in Science
Growing gap in STEM supply and demand
City of Hope: An Opportunity to Explore
My Favorite Science Tech Tools
LabXchange produces new digital antiracism resources
Pandemic Teaching Stories – Lessons Learned