On top of a yellow paper notepad sits a pile of Scrabble tiles, face-down, with several on top of the pile face-up and arranged to spell "back to school."

Back-to-School Science Resources for Educators

Is back-to-school prep haunting your midsummer nights' dreams? Allow LabXchange to do some of the work for you this year with a new collection of learning materials to employ in your classroom. The resources below include introductory science overviews, hands-on and virtual activities, interactive lab practice, and a few deeper dives, too. Plus, find a selection of educator resources to help you hone your classroom skills!

🦠 Getting Started in Science

These collections of resources ("clusters") offer introductions to some of the fundamental fields of science, like biology, chemistry, and physics. Each cluster is broken down into several pathways, which go into more detail about specific concepts.

🎨 Hands-on and Virtual Activities

For the young and the young at heart, there's no better way to introduce scientific concepts than through fun, hands-on classroom activities. For older students, virtual activities offer a interactive way to explore complex topics. Try these out to spark students' creativity and curiosity for science!

Hands-on Activities

Virtual Activities

🔬 Lab Practice

These resources introduce the importance of following proper lab safety and procedures and allow learners to practice fundamental lab techniques, including making a solution and micropipetting.

Lab Rules & Safety

Lab Techniques

🧬 Deeper Dives into Science, Technology, and Society

Delving beyond the introductory topics, these resources cover intermediate to advanced topics in science, suitable for secondary school students and above.

📚 Teaching Strategies & Resources

Educators are learners, too! These resources offer teaching strategies, advice, and ideas for educators.

In addition to checking out the materials above, we encourage educators to explore our Subjects page to find content aligned to their area of focus and our Teacher Resources page to learn more about the many types of resources you can find on LabXchange. We wish you a successful semester ahead!

Written by
Chris Burnett
Digital Content Specialist

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